
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Boys Trip from Langkowi to Phuket...

Guess what Father Xmas is bringing me for Xmas 2012?;)

For those that read the blog story just before this one... that was blog 1 of Indo trip 4 but this blog is just to fill in a recent ten day period of fun from Malaysia Rebak Marina to Phuket Au Chalong bay with some fun loving friends!
 But just so that you do not forget...a stunning picture above our Emma and Judy at Lagundri in INDO going for their first surf of their holiday:) Before that a photo of Cally who is always on my mind but did not come back from Indo with us but instead flew back home to continue school there.

We left Indonesia to head back to Malaysia to meet up with some super guys and their sons who were coming to spend two weeks on Micah:) Above is John and his son John Danial.
 Here below is one of the many ships speeding along the Malacca Straitts shipping lanes which we had to cross to get back...

Ducking and Diving around the giant ships of the Malacca Straitts on our crossings to and from Sumatra...

Hiding out in a barrel:)

Here is Cally in the early Micah days-crooning away to all who will hear-I am listening Cal:)ps. i love you...
Our visitors from Durban enjoyed a wonderful Father and Son adventure on our yacht:) Above photo taken in Durban in the early days of Micah:)

Meet a group of guys who made sailing such fun! I laughed so much-thanks for joining us:)
Meet Cody above and Caden below -crew on Micah:)

Here the crew get the yacht ready for our you can see they are working very hard...spraying each other with the hose :)boys....

Micah looking gorgeous down below us....
Koh Lanta -day 5,and in the distance is Koh Muk and the Emerald Cave:)
Ant and his son Guy enjoying quality time at Koh PhiPhi Thailand.
Keelan :)above and below-directing the photographer:)

Night 2-anchored off Telaga marina for fueling up and a cable car visit to get the perspectives of where in Malaysia we are:)
Below-John and his son John Danial at Koh PhiPhi..a super photo!

Captain Brent and chef-me...
Koh Lipe out of season....Human's filth:(
Micah at Koh Lipe.. 
Here John provides us with supper:) Thanks for the lures John...after you left...we caught a huge spanish mackerel, a wahoo and a dorado:)))

This is their first stop on arrival in Langkowi in Malaysia...the beautiful Rebak marina...night one..

Koh Phi Phi- sacrifices and blessings-the cats love these tables
Here is Micah or at least a silhouette of her at Rebak Marina...
when I left the yacht to go and meet John and co at the airport...the yacht was looking fabulous and all their bedrooms looked amazing:) However, while at the bucketed down with a downpour and all I could think was - Brent please remember to close the hatches and portholes to the bedrooms I had spent hours doing up...On arrival by ferry...what did i see blowing in the wind as the ferry glided past Micah? Duvets and sheets and pillows drying in the sun........

Guy, Keelan and John Danial relaxing at Koh Roc Nok...

When we arrived at Koh Lipe for night3- John stayed on the yacht with a sore back,while the rest of the gang went to explore the island...while the boys explored...the men slept:)
Brent and Ant having a little snooze on Day3 at Koh Lipe island-a 5 hour sail from Langkowi...A few of the local strays cuddle up to them:)

Here the gang swim between the hulls- ummm why did you guys not clean the hulls while you were there?:)
The boys are enjoying a sand bank out in the bay off Koh Lipe Island

Here is John Daniel:)

And as usual, I will never leave out our third crew member, Cally:) who is working very hard in school back in SA ...we always miss you with us Cal:(
Below Cody and Cally embracing the elements!

Koh Lipe above and our good old dingy that gets us everywhere:) And below- Caden shows us- This one is OURS!

au chalong...a short dingy ride to Brent's Bar for a great hamburger:) And below-Ant and his son Guy at Koh Lanta islands after exploring the Emerald cave...
I willed the dolphins to come:)

Keelan and Caden starting to clean the oysters that Brent dived for:) We ate like kings!!

Is this not so beautiful:) And most of the is  as if we are the only ones out there...just us and our ocean:)..Until you get to the island Koh PhiPhi...and then it is crazily busy:)Below is the spectacular 5 Islands belonging to the Birds

Micah at Rebak marina
Sorry you did not see any of these guys:)

Rebak resort pool- a wonderful place to be after many hours of flying. Ant cools down:)
Photo of the Day on Magic Seaweed- I am still grinning from ear to ear:))

We caught no fish other than a small tuna when our guests were sailing with us for ten days BUT on the way back to Malaysia-over three days, we caught three nice size eating fish!

and who is really in charge:)?
Below Cally and Emma in the ruins of the 2006 tsunami in Lagundri Bay...

The guys relaxing in the beautiful waters at Koh Roc Noc...

Holding all the warmth and goodness that Life has to offer -in the palms of my hands:)

Beautiful Koh PhiPhi above and below John Daniel takes a bite of a braaied marshmallow on the shores of Koh Rocnoc:)

My boys:)

Kho PhiPhi- a beautiful anchorage with towering cliffs as a backdrop!

Above- Caden enjoys a rugby ball at Koh Phi Phi on a perfect day...and below is a stunning sunset evening at Koh Lipe islands...with the guys having sundowners in the ocean... ant and guy in the photo below this:)good times!!

Cally making me laugh with that funny face:)
Nothing beats a good cup of tea in  paradise:)

Above- Ant paddles from Micah to shore to enjoy lunch on the beach!
Below- after we sailed into Phuket- the guys explored the island- Here breakfast in Patong:)

On our way to Phuket - we stopped at Koh Lanta and went to a hotel for a drink and a swim in this beautiful ice-cold pool with the most magnificent views....after our swim- a local Thail lunch on shore.

Above is John taking a dingy ride from
 shore back to Micah at Koh Lanta-
...and below two supermodels:)...or
 just posers:)

On our ten day sail from Malaysia to Langkowi, there is just so much beauty to absorb...from waters of all shades of blues to ancient rock piled onto rock jutting out of the deep ocean... 

Below, Chris surfs under a blue canopy of clean beautiful ocean...Telos-Indo.

When we arrived in Phuket, the guys went go-cart racing...what an adrenalin rush:) 

After a little too much "apple juice" the night before:)- the boys all slept like babies on the trampolines...long after the sun had risen- the guys decided to give them a rude awakening:) Life is not always fair is it:)

Hiring bikes in Phuket is a lot of fun as well:) 
Below John and his son having a great time...

I love this photo of Cody as him, the wave and the palm trees are all aligned:)

...and this is what  you may find in Indonesia...below-mermaids:)

Koh Lipe island...Thailand- above

Emma-Living the Life and Loving the Dream:)

Look at the Spanish Mackeral that we caught with the lure you bought John! We hooked this one after you guys left when we were sailing back to Langkowi...

This is truly the highlight of my sailing days:) I long to see the dolphins and photos like this are just not that easy to come the sea was perfectly crisp and clear and the dolphins look like they are swimming in the air:)
Picture perfect postcard setting- Micah looking very island style out there off Roc Noc...

Pina colades at Rebak marina at Happy Hour!.
Above - an unknown surfers takes off on the perfect wave in Indonesia...we were anchored right at the end of this rolling wave:) exciting times!
We were having a giggle at the glass they gave John to drink his cocktail out of:)
Cally and I just after my dengue fever episode-feeling fragile here....
A beautiful evening at the marina in Malaysia Langkowi...where we stay to catch up with schooling:)

Playing ball between Koh Roc Nok island and Koh Roc Noi- we have anchored here between our trips from Langkowi to Phuket, many times but every time- the beaches look different. I can never get bored of this:)
Below Koh Lanta stopover...the ocean was lovely and protected tucked in here out of the rough waters that occur out of season:)

 koh phi phi with our yachts in the distance snuggled up against the towering cliffs
and below some of our favorite times with our guests, was exploring the busy little streets of Phi Phi island!
 Below, Cally and Brent just before our trip to Indo...Oh PhiPhi:)

Cody and Guy- Koh Roc Noc...

"Do you like Pina Colades? And Walks in the Rain?"...ha!ha!-Love that song:)

Keelan- Soulful moments to reflect....

Caden says- this one hurt:) Caden loves to swing around the deck while we are sailing and here he mistimed his swing and crashed into the stays.

Micah and Gone Surfing cruising Indo...

 Rough seas as we sail out of Koh PhiPhi...In the past we have taken our dingy right up against these cliff walls and the sea has been very calm...but here, we had to punch through the swells...seasick....
 ...and this is what happens when you leave your t-shirts behind JD:)

Caden -Koh Lipe:)

 Above-Keelan jumping off the bimini and below that racing on the go-carts... 
Rebak marina Malaysia-the view of the sunset from the back of Micah:)
 cloud patterns...and silhouettes:)
washing drying on the sheets :)(not ropes)


meme said...

now I am even more, love to see how you are enjoying yourselves, know how unsure you were that you were doing the right thing...I think you know now, rough seas and ships not very happy for you....xxxx

sharyn ( said...

:) thanks meme:) sorry to depress you....u too belong out there:)x