
Wednesday, May 8, 2013


 Here we with the elements and never had I seen such a magnificent sunset as this one!!! 

A few weeks ago- as I was finishing off an amazing blog with funny stories and beautiful photos...we had an internet glitch and the entire 2 months of work vanished...never to be retrieved again:( 
So I started again...

and this time let us hope it all goes smoothly as I am running out of time. Brent and Cody have been in South Africa for the past one and half months

 and when they get back, we are preparing for our 5th adventure to Indonesia!!! I am so excited! More opportunity to take photos:)! 

Below-Indonesia-wild and beautiful:)Look at the storm approaching us...too late for us to head back around the corner to the perfect protected we just hung in there:)

This blog goes back to December 2012 when Cally came back to Micah to visit all of us:)

I cannot describe to you how excited I was to see her...I wish now that I could relive that two weeks with her...She is now back in South Africa, studying hard for her final year at school! I am so proud of you Cally! You are a tough and independent woman...and too beautiful.

 I miss those blue eyes and that pretty smile and your funny sense of humor and that little hug you would give me and your little comment to me that I always smell lovely:)... This blog is mostly for you Cal but I have included photos of Indonesia as I never know when I am going to get to those blogs:)...
I love this photo of you my girl!

...AND  for those of you who are already getting tearful:)...or just waiting to look at some surfing pics- here is Brent or a piece of him as he crouches down in a perfect Indo barrel!

One of my favorite memories and photos of Indo on our last trip:) Charlotte and CAlly were still with us then ...Here Brent found an island that no yachtie has ever laid foot on:) (as only Brent could do:) ) We had to paddle over reef to get to shore...funny photos to follow in this blog if I can fit them in:) Charl- YOU will never forget THIS day:) Here we are, after having also paddled the umbrella and the barbecue/braai and all the food , to shore:)- having ourselves a delicious fire and meat lunch!! It was perfect:) (Until we had to get BACK through the now much bigger incoming tide- on a paddle ski.....)

 Below- here is one of my favorite dolphin photos:) Look at this dolphin looking at US:)! Cody and CAlly were hanging off the front of the yacht as we were sailing and they were trying to touch these mischievous beautiful dolphins!!

I could not resist this...the same photo- again:)
Well- time to go back to December:)- Cally arrived -with her boyfriend Devon whom I had not met yet. I was apprehensive to say the least....But all turned out well and he was a super guy who fitted in very well with all of us:) He spoilt me for Christmas so I will only say good things about him!! ;)

After Cally and Devon arrived, we set sail from Phuket for the exquisite islands of Similan- Sail Rock...Together with Ponto and Mauritius, this is one of my best beaches and waters! In the above photos, Brent set off on an adventure with us as he gets so bored just lying on perfect beaches staring at beautiful women;) Brent found this huge boulder with the sea surging up the barnacle clustered rocks, and I took photos while first Devon and then Cally clawed their ways up the rock- to have sundowners..I sensibly headed back to Micah:)- but now I wish that I had stayed to enjoy that memory with them:(

Proud mom and beautiful daughter in the above photo and below- 

Just know- you too can come and experience this bit of magic with us;)
Above-Our gorgeous Micah anchored at the Similan islands:)
Brent and his boys:)

 Wild Indonesia below..Caden and I swam to shore here :) and above...wild Patong beach where surfing never happens but one can always hope:)

Devon on the paddle ski and Cody surfing Caden's Malibu board:)

 A little bit of heaven in the below photo...:) wild, and pretty beyond words...

Below- look at how young Cody and Caden are in this photo- our arrival in Phuket nearly three years ago- to start our lives on our yacht!Here they are with our then crew member Travis:)!!
 Cody now:)
 Below-Beautiful evening skies on the open seas...

Cally and Devon:)- some things never change- like Cally's seasickness...:( Here Devon keeps her company on the sugarscoop...

This is such a divine photo of my family!! We have these safety devices that we are supposed to wear on our arms while we are sailing and if one of us falls overboard...then we can use a gps device to find the "man overboard"! Recently a South African surfer fell overboard in the same places in Indo that we go to, and he had to tread water for 27hours before the search parties found him!!! How awful and what a reality check!!!

Look at this huge wave that Brent took off on in Lagundri in Nias in Indo...! It was much bigger than it looks here!! I know- I was driving the dingy and taking this photo of this takeoff!!!!
To more peaceful waters:)...another secret spot that we love to take our friends to...before a million tourists arrive to destroy the tranquility;)

Last year...Charlotte and myself before we sailed off to Indo..grabbing a last civilized cappochino at a air-conditioned bakery at Telaga marina while Brent fills the huge diesel tanks for the long three month sail to Indo and back...

Recent December family photo on top of the enormous stunning Sail Rock!
What gems these family pics are for me!

I have a surfer between my fingers:)

We miss you on board Micah Charl!! Forget the money - just COME AND VISIT US!!
LOOK at what you could be experiencing below;)

Hello Devon :)

Cody and Devon messing around at lunch at the Similan Islands in December 2012! Good times!

Our very own captain:) Upping anchor all by himself:(

Caden does a glorious dive!
And below- a newly wed couple have photos taken on Lipe Island and I just happened to have my camera;)

Cheers Mate!! ah- a lovely glass of South African Johannesburger;) that wine!!

Brent in another barrel!!! I love taking these photos even if he never looks at them...grrrrr!

An exhausted Brent after his last trip to SA! I am expecting a similar day one next week when Brent gets back from a two month working holiday from home;)
Caden and I hitting the pubs at Koh Lipe Island:)

Earlier days:) Ah! I think I gave Cody that sexy haircut;) Looking very handsome both of you!!
Ooooo! Below - the Andaman island trip! Brent and his boys exploring the crocodile infested remote islands:) No-one seems to be taking those crocs very seriously!! But they do exist...our friends on Katrine went for a snorkel in the Andaman waters and after their swim, they got out of the water and there was a huge croc swimming around their boat! And an American tourist lady got taken off a very popular swimming beach that we anchored off..a year before our arrival...crocs are a reality there...

These dolphins were very shy...I got one photo recently before they just disappeared:(

 A gorgeous stunning sunset recently while sailing from Thailand to Malaysia!

Christmas this year was the best Xmas ever because my whole family were together:) I miss you Cally!

 Cheers Devon!! That glass of wine was good hey!? I love the lights behind you...
Below- Cally eats all Dev's ice-cream:) Ha!ha! You have always loved your ice-cream Cal:)

Cody is such a natural at water sports...he has been paddling a lot lately- for sanity I think:)

One of my more recent photos- Caden's 11th birthday had at Rebak marina in May 2013...Such a handsome boy- we are so lucky to have him as part of our family!! Love you Caden!!

Look at this tiny little bathtub of a boat that we went past- in front of the large fishing boat...
I love this photo! Caden was tearing up a magazine and throwing the pages into the sea...I like the way the photo captured a face and we cannot see Caden's face...just art;)

The famous Sail-Rock and Caden up there....Is it not a magnificent Rock!!? When we are sitting up there sipping on wine and chomping on cheese and biscuits:)- I always feel a dash of dread that the earth may tremble and that rock may topple...

Brent was fixing a blocked toilet, when this super super yacht went past at the speed of light...leaving a nice big wake...I was at helm and braced myself for that wave ...:)

Our last voyage to Indonesia...the swell came through and these huge walls of water built up right behind Micah and produced incredible waves for those courageous and perhaps foolish surfers who dared to take on the challenge of that solid water wall!

Meeting Cally at the airport...I was so happy to see her... December 2013

 A nice cup of Tea to celebrate all those nice cups of Tea:)
Below- Family re-union after what feels like forever!

Early days on Micah! Another rare family portrait:) The beginning!

Precious Memories!! Indonesia at Mama Sylvi's island at Asu! One of our favorite spots to visit!

One of our favorite anchorages:)- I love going to this little private beach only accessible by boat, and having sundowners! We always take our friends there for a treat:)

Here is a photo that delighted me with it's color and vibrancy! Our memories this New Year at Koh Phi Phi islands near Phuket! We have been there so many times but I still love going back there...In sailing, nothing is ever the same!

Above- Brent and I -a favorite of my photos:)
And below-Devon with Micah behind him:)

Look at how young Caden and Cody look here. One of my biggest shocks these past two or more years, is how the children have grown and changed in their looks!!

Earlier days above with a cutie pie of a Caden:) and below: Wonderful memories and fun times recently with our friends from SA! Craig Duff and Nadine, Ant and Cas and of course Brent and I:)

This is the real color of the sea in this one secret spot we visit in Indo...not many yachties I think go there as it is not ideal for anchoring and the sea gets swelly here...I have had a few petrified moments here when Brent has handed the helm to Caden just to push me over the edge! But as usual- we have survived:)

Wherever we go- there is sure to be a big storm..but thank-goodness they pass and the sun comes out again:)

Younger days.....

We have found such a lovely spot in Phuket to go and relax and have are Brent and Caden mellowing out in the jaccuzzi!!! Shanti Restaurant- we love you;)

Such happy times!!

Xmas was such fun this year! Cally and Devon arrived with presents for all of us!Thank-you !
Early early days hey Cally:) 

A very sad day for me..this was moments before Cally flew back to SA in December 2012....but even in the darkest moments...I had to smile...because Devon was trying to be so romantic by buying Cally a lantern but Caden was very involved in the whole matter...anyone would think that he thought Devon had bought it for him:) So it was just...the three of them;)

When Cally came- I had to make my famous trifle:)! yummy!

Another piece of paradise...:)

Do not forget the pink lures Brent!! Or we will not be getting any more of these for our dinners in Indo!:(

Brent soaring along the wall of the wave in Indo!

Ha!ha! Brent- so funny- what he is saying is it is torture to have the life he is leading:)
A really nice photo of Brent! Good times with his cousin Jonty from Plett and his family Jackie and Katy and Robbie! Jackie-I have to do your blog next as I lost your whole blog a few weeks ago:( I had to redo this blog now...

Jonty and Jackie came just after Cally's visit , to spend New Year with us 2013!! And yet again-it was a wonderful experience!!

Above, Brent and I experience a very different means of transport in Sibolga in Indo as we hunt down a few groceries:) and below...
Cody has grown up so much now and Brent is going to look at this photo with a tinge of sadness as these were the good times:)...Cody will be returning to SA to go to school this October 2013 as he wants to be with friends:(
Thank-goodness he will have three more months with us as this has all happened very suddenly:(((...It is such a sad thing that our children grow up :((((

Our Andaman Cally looking stunning in blue!!

 And for those of you who missed my magical raindrop photos recently on FB:)...Here is one of them for your pleasure;)
FOR those of you who may not be interested in the close-up view of a is a look at the magic our surfer friends found in Indo:)

Well my laptop battery is running low and this time I must post this blog before I lose all this time and effort again:) Hope you enjoy and I hope that I can get the next blog out soon as I have so many people who came to share our lives on Micah recently- to put onto my blogs!
Till next time!!!


Jacqui Bodley said...

Fabulous memories and gorgeous pics Sharyn. Wow you are so talented and I can't wait for our holiday blog.
Still hankering after another trip... you never know.
Lots of love

Heidi's Adventures said...

Wow wow wow.... absolutely stunning and something to cherish forever. It's like i am following your journey and time does fly hey. Can't belive how your children have grown up so quickly and what beautiful children they are. Now, i'm ready for the next blog. I so wish you would be in Phuket in August, we would so love to see you all. Love Heidi.

Anonymous said...

Sharyn.... I love your blog. I am absolutely enjoying all these moments with you as I read about them. xxx Marielle