
Monday, October 29, 2012

Indonesia adventure 4 and beyond...

Cody and his friend from Phuket-Raul, jumping off the bimini roof of Micah- I love the magic and energy in this photo:)

 Ah! Cal look what I found- Koh Lipe with Austin and Cally...I miss those BA days...
 Keith and Kathy at Telaga- South African friends of ours who live on their catamaran Tigger 2- waving goodbye
My 45th birthday this year:)

Sipping on a breezer and enjoying some alone time on Micah while the boys go surfing:)

Anchored off a little surf point in Indo and watching a storm approaching:)
Cody feeling alive:

Sun, wind,blue waters,dolphins,perfect surf...huge surf....we had it all:)

It is the 16/6/2012 and my blog carries on with our fourth sail to Indonesia-the west coast to hunt down the best surf:)
Dinner:)Living off the sea:) Thank-u...
Connecting with beauty...
I have a musical family:) Cal played at restaurants and Caden in bars:))
Caden with his gran Charlotte as we sail past Koh Phi Phi. Charl is traveling with us for 5 weeks to Indo:)
Ha!Ha! My family- they make me smile:) Here at their favorite stop in Langkowi Malaysia- KFC!
Embracing the elements...and welcoming rain,sunshine,rolling waves,sumatras:)-In
Leaving the Thai shores to head across the Malacca Straitts for two days and nights to get to the Other Side- Sumatra...
Tee!Hee! Charl -Brent's mom is all ready for the big storm heading our way out at sea:)
Happy wonderful glorious days:) On our way from Langkowi to Phuket to Indo, we stopped at Koh PhiPhi
My beautiful sexy daughter:) NO island is the same without you:(
Caden came back from visiting his Great Gran and Gran in SA...a few kg's heavier:) Obviously they feed him better:)
Charlotte arrived from SA to sail with us to Indonesia..Here she is...getting into the swing of things:)
The two hottest girls in Indo:)-Em and Cal on our Indo3 adventure. Emma and her friends are joining us again on Indo4 trip but sadly Cally will be flying home with Charl from Indo back to Scottburgh...before they arrive:(
At one of my favorite spots in Indo...the locals had built a long concrete jetty and I was so upset to see the beauty of the beach ruined by this bridge..but it did make a backdrop for a nice self portrait:)
Brent getting ready:)-mentally...Yet another moment where a huge wind called a sumatra, is approaching...40knts plus hit us and we were tucked in only a few metres from the beach...
Cally's friend Emma-running into the 40knt wind:)Exciting times!

and the wind and rain arrive....but who cares:)
because here in Indo are the waves the boys are craving:) and all the elements help:) Above is my favorite photo that I took this time, of the inside of a wave...I just love the way the light shone through just as I clicked the camera button:)
Yet another exquisite evening in Indonesia...

 After crossing the Malacca Straits from Phuket, 
we found ourselves on the west coast of Sumatra in the deep blue blue of the Indian Ocean...There is a 17knt wind blowing and the air is refreshingly cool. It really feels wonderful to do what yachts are supposed to do-Sail:) The main sail is up and of course-the fishing lines are out:)
Caden here loving his snacks:) The sail is up and we are moving

When the storms come , the open skies look so impressive with many shades of blue expressing the mood of the sea and skies...
Cally and Brent sharing  a moment...

Guess what? We are having tuna steaks for dinner:)Some of us are excited but one of us is having chicken patties as he does not like fish unless I disguise it as kfc nuggets:)
Now this is the Life!

The dark gloomy clouds and constant sheets of rain have been left far behind , smoking in the hot streets of Phuket. What a relief to be far away from so many people and the hustle and bustle of Phuket.

Roaming the malls in Phuket-inbetween surfing in Indo:) Cody below showing us how to do it!

Cal and Frederick -our friend from Endless Dream- entertain everyone in Phuket at a bar called Brent's Bar:) A wonderful evening:) 
(We will however be delighted to revisit our favorite air-conditioned mall to watch movies and feel civilized again after a few months in Indo..) But for now...back to Indo and before and beyond:) Below is one of our regular stops from Langkowi to Phuket- Roc Nok Islands...

We had to wait two weeks for the weather to calm down so that we could cross the Malaca Straitts...The fishing was not great but we traded some ice-cold beer for a tasty dorado!

But now, I just love the openness of the sea and the abundance of fresh salty air:) The stormy weather that has been rippling around these areas has passed for now but left lumpy seas and largish swells ( in my opinion anyway:)
But I think I may have finally learn't "swells are friends:)"-they are generally not going to break over Micah...if we are not too close to shore.

Brent impressing us with his style:)
Woopee! Cody reeled in a nice size yellow fin tuna... yummy.Just need to mash that pumpkin and potato!

 Staring into the favorite photos but such a pity I am a ninny!! I am forever yelling-"take me back to the boat Brenton!" when I get too scared....:)

Sunset moments

Beautiful Micah...just waiting patiently there for us to get back from our island exploring:)

 An Unknown surfer upset because he cannot surf:)

Charl has arrived and has to master getting onto the yacht...not easy when you have to hang onto the rail and slide under the bar...:)

 Caden showing us what He is capable of:)
Koh Lipe island...

Here we are sailing out of Telaga harbor after filling up our huge fuel tanks..At last off to Indo:)

 At Telos-a storm moving in:) Is it not spectacular to see nature unfolding on such a grand scale:)?
Here is Em:) Getting ready for her next surf:) We collected them at Lagundri about two weeks after sailing into Indo...

We are doing an overnight sail yet again, as we leave the main island Sumatra and cross over to the Simoleu islands. That is where our first stop for a surf session will hopefully be. The boys on this yacht are gnashing their teeth from not surfing for so long:)

Clint joined us with Cal's friends, in Indo for some of the best surf ever! Here-is yet one of the many delicious fish we caught for a quick throw on the barbie for lunch:)
Below Clint showing us his classic surf moves:)

Above-the ghost of Emma as she emerges out of a huge wave-brave girl:)
 Brent showing true style as he throws himself into a bottom turn on one of Lagundri's famous monster waves!

The surf in Phuket is not good and especially this time of the year, the sea is rough and full of current! It is incredible how the beaches that are famous for their beauty in season in Phuket, become so ugly and washed away with chocolate brown waters  making swimming very unappealing. This year several tourists had already drowned in the Phuket seas.

Brent surfing his heart out)

 Look at Clint's surfboard:(
 Travis,Clint and Chris -great times on Micah but as of yet still to come as we have just started our Indo trip in this blog:)

It is a lot easier to check out the talent on our boat at this moment..when you have your dark shades on...:)
Lagundri magic..there are so many talented surfers there pushing themselves to their limits:)
Cody bonding with friends of ours ,dog...
The incredible blue of the Indonesian island waters...takes my breath away just looking at this photo:)

Cody and Caden taking the dingy out to have a look at the surf...
My daughter:) I love you...

Another beautiful yacht -Gone Surfing- home to Todd! We shared some lovely quiet anchorages..
 Indo 2 with Chris Theron diving endlessly for dinner:) Thanks Chris for all those hours you put into spearfishing!
Cally and Caden in paradise in Indo..yet another of my favorite islands here with the most beautiful water to swim in... 
Caden and I- I already had started with my dengue fever and was feeling awful but just did not know what was still to come...7 days in hospital and a feeling that I was going to die without ever sailing again with my family!
My favorite experience just happened! The dolphins came to join us at the bows of Micah! But by the time they caught up with us- I think they were exhausted! The dolphins have been quite cautious while we crossed the Straitts of Malacca..For me it is such a privilege and honor to share a little time with the dolphins. Their beauty is breath-taking...


And is time to end this blog. The Indo 4 story has just begun:) I hope that you enjoyed sharing this wonderful trip full of memories through my photos... 
Until the next blog:)...

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