
Monday, September 5, 2011

A little piece of Paradise-Turtle Island:)

Cally looking Glam no matter where we are:)

Caden last Indo trip showing us a map of where we are:)

Look at the cracks in the seabed!

Look at the colour of this water!

Caden sitting and keeping a watchful eye for reef...

Micah last year in Indo with Travis looking perplexed:)

I must tell you about the most beautiful islands we went to for our anchorage 2 nights ago.

The beach on the island looked so beautiful BUT the shorebreak was so powerful!
From a distance, the islands were not spectacular. They looked like two flat black lines on the horizon. However, as we sailed past the first one, the sea became the most amazing blue - a blue that I do not think I have ever seen before:) A photoshopped blue:)!
Barra lookng At Home in her anchorage:)
To make our entrance grand, we even hooked a 4 star in the eating department (out of 5 stars:) ), coral trout! We were so excited because on our previous trip to Indo, we had hooked a large coral trout and Brent decided to release it as it was too pretty... only thereafter did a chef on a charter boat tell us that it is the best eating fish!!

As we sailed into the gap between the two islands, we were hit by the roll of the swells as they swept between the two islands. This anchorage was 10m deep and offered no protection from swell, wind and bad weather. For me and this story is from my perspective:), this was a frightening anchorage (as are most of them to me:) ) The swells were too big for me to feel comfortable... Jack on Barbara Ann monohull was worried about their boat rocking a lot and he was ready to move on, but Brent had heard good things about this spot and he dropped anchor and got ready to explore the surf and diving!

From the boat, we could see the one island had a huge white sandy beach with dunes but the shorebreak was powerful, surging far up the beach and too dangerous to take the dingy ashore. We were all dying for a dive so we piled into the duck,picked up Jack and Austin and off we went to explore these aqua waters!! The water was not that clear but Brent had his speargun and despite Jack's horror , Brent shot two large parrotfish as there was nothing else around to spear for dinner:) I thought Jack was never going to talk to us again:) BUT they did come over for parrotfish on the barbeque:) and it was a fine meal! Pasta, veggies ( ALWAYS a TREAT in Indo:) ) and grilled Parrotfish:) ( it was a little like eating your pet budgies though :))

I have to mention again that this water was the prettiest colour ocean that we have seen on our travels- a pure blue... The afternoon of our arrival, after our dive, Brent wanted to go and look at the surf spots. I did not want to be left out and thought I would have a look at the beach.As we got closer to the surf spot, the waves got hectic and I tried to distract myself from my terror, by hanging onto my fishing rod! Brent was zooting on the edge of the sets as he studied the large surf and at the same time that I was giving everyone who was listening:) a piece of my mind about how much I did NOT want to be IN the waves:),

This is how I should have been feeling:)

a Kingfish took Cadens line...It was a huge Kingie and Brent took over and reeled it right up to the boat...but I volunteered to gaff it and  the fish got away!! Ah! No-one could forgive me and I was hysterical because it was sooo close! I insisted and demanded they take me back to the yacht and I warned them they should NEVER have an hysterical person on board with them when fishing for Kingfish in the shorebreak of massive waves:) They were very relieved to drop me off and go back to fish in peace and quiet:) I too was content to be sipping a glass of red while watching the sun go down:) They eventually came back with a little travalli but the beegie was gone:(
My peaceful sunset sipping wine and savouring the moments:)

Where I had been and was happy to be away from:)

The Crew come back with a small catch but they never got the Beegie that "we" had lost...

A little collage of Cody surfing Indo!
Have a looook at the teeth on this Barracuda!

Things to come:)...

and who are these pretty boys:)?


Mich said...

wow awesome pics Sha!!!That pure blue sea is so inviting, and your photography is brilliant!!! Mich x

sharyn ( said...

thanks so much Michelle!:) loving capturing it all:)