
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


MagicalMoments when the dolphins come and play at the bow while we sail:)))

Preparing for our departure from Telaga Harbour after filling the tanks. Sunrise...

Our Yacht and our South African friends on their huge yacht Abundant Life..
   It is already the 17th May 2011!
We left Telaga Marina in Langkowi Malaysia 3 days ago after a few weeks of endless shopping and stocking up with the basics as we have quite a few guests coming to join us along the way:)

Caden loving this way of life!

Cally preparing herself for seasickness as we leave for Indo on choppy seas:)
We have already crossed the Malacca Straitts thank-goodness. We were supposed to leave two weeks ago already with our SA friends who own a large catamaran called Abundant Life but Brent changed his mind at the last minute as we wanted to cross in the light of the full moon. Abundant Life left without us but our USA friends on the monohull Barbara Ann were rushing to do their maintenance work on their yacht  as they decided to come with us.

Austin and Cally having an amazing time!
Jack and Jackie from Barbara Ann- Our really good friends :)
Our timing was perfect as the moon was full and fat and lit the ocean up making visibility for stray unlit fishing boats, random floating crab nets and large tankers-easier.
It would happen though on my nightshift duty which was in the dead of the night, that I notice lights of a possible ship, in the distance . The problem was that this ship was not showing on the Plotter that tells you how big the ship is and how far away it is as well as how close it will come to your boat if both of you continue on your set paths.The lights seemed to be getting larger and coming straight for us!
Brent was asleep and swaying away in his hammock in the cockpit, and I hated waking him up as he was exhausted.

I peered into the darkness trying to work out the ships lights to work out how large it was.Suddenly,when the ship was bearing down on us and it shone a huge spotlight onto us...i panicked and woke Brent up. Then there was pandemonia as Brent wanted to increase speed and cross in front of it. All I could imagine was a huge ship's bow splicing through the dark waters and chopping us in half! I did not want to cross its path and was already preparing myself for life jackets on the children!

We still could not make out behind the lights how large it was, and I was yelling at Brent to do something and get out of its way! Eventually -we turned Micah around and away from the other boat and as we did a full circle around the back of the ship...It was quite a large boat but not a ship. Brent thinks it was a type of military boat or coast guard vessel perhaps looking for pirates... So we dodged safely around the rest of the many ships and made it through with no more drama:) 

We even caught two tuna for sushi and as our friends on the other yacht had not caught any fish, I cleaned and filleted the tuna and Brent put the packaged fish onto a boogie board and let it float off behind us toward Barbara Ann:) They scooped it up and we all ate fresh fish early into our journey! YUM!

Our first tuna on our crossing and let me tell you-sushi sorts out seasickness:)

To the left is the boogie board with a packet of fresh tuna for Barbara Ann to pick up!

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